Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Court Jester

The Court Jester is a 1955 film starring Danny Kaye.  Danny Kaye plays a partisan who is doing his part to remove an usurper to the throne.  He is tricked into posing as a famous court jester who then, in a most bumbling way, falls into the midst of multiple plots and schemes at the palace.  It takes everything and more for him to keep his wits and head in the process.  The movie also stars Basil Rathbone and a young Angela Landsbury.  The movie is entertaining, humorous and enjoyable.

This film has garnered accolades in later years and, as Wikipedia reports,  is one of the films that the Library of Congress has chosen to preserve as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."  I count this movie as one of my favorites and I still watch it from time to time.

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