Sunday, July 13, 2014


Mother (1996) is an award winning film starring and directed by Albert Brooks.  Brooks plays a newly divorced writer who has writers block.  He decides to go home unannounced to stay with his mother until he finds a way to start writing again.  The interaction between Brooks and his mother, played by Debbie Reynolds, is wonderful.  Brooks finds himself not only working on his own problem but is also trying to bring some life to his mother.  He very insecure and jealous brother, played by Rob Morrow, tries to insert himself between his mother and brother from his home across the state.

The interaction between mother and son is priceless.  He continues to try and understand his mother who buys cheese in bulk and freezes it, who purchases off brand product whether it tastes good or not and even finds himself perplexed that she has a name for the frozen ice found on the top of the sherbet "protective ice." As with most Albert Brooks films, the story and dialogue take center stage.  There are many things I found in the interaction that could have clearly been said by either myself or my mother and in this I found myself laughing throughout the movie.  It is nice to enjoy a movie that relies on humor other than slapstick and this one most definitely pleases.

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