Sunday, July 13, 2014

Defending Your Life

Defending Your Life (1991) is a film starring Albert Brooks, Meryl Streep, Rip Torn and Shirley MacLaine. The movie starts off with Albert Brooks who dies in a car accident.  He finds himself in Judgment City where he has an attorney and must defend his life so that it can be determined where he will go after final judgment. His experience, which is anything but pleasant, is foiled by that of his new found friend played by Streep who seems to be having a great time and no problems with her hearing.

The movie is well done and, as expected with Albert Brooks, a lot of verbal sparing.  The movie relies heavily on dialogue and discourse exploring life and life after death.  Freewill and predestination are key elements to the story and the movie has a rewarding story line.  

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