Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Witness (1985) stars Harrison Ford and Kelly Mc Gillis.  A young Amish boy played by Lukas Haas is on a trip outside of their community when he inadvertently witnesses a brutal murder.  Ford plays a detective, John Book, who learns the terrible truth of the identity of the murderer and takes the boy and his mother into hiding back in the Amish Community.  The cinematography, directing, acting, music, and almost all other aspects of the movie are at their very best.  The supporting cast is a stellar group of actors as well.  The compelling story behind the story is how two people from two different worlds can somehow make sense of feelings that develop as they spend more and more time together.  At first the boy and his mother are fish out of water and then it is Book who finds himself as a fish out of water.  Can a person from one world completely give everything up and walk into another world.  This movie was nominated for multiple awards and won two Academy 'Awards.

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