Monday, October 27, 2014

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) is a movie starring Sydney Poitier, Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy.  Tracy and Hepburn play the Drayton's who's daughter announces that she is engaged to be married and that her fiance and his parents are coming to dinner so that they can all meet.  The hitch is that her fiance is black and she is white.  At the time of the making of this movie it was still illegal to have an interracial marriage in 17 states.  By the middle of the year interracial marriages were no longer illegal in the united states.  This movie explores the coming to grip with race and how each person and mix of  people struggle with their perspectives and feelings on the impending marriage.  The performances of the entire cast are powerful. It is clear as you hear the different arguments and discussions between the fathers, mothers, and the mix of the two as well as those of the intended couple you realize how pertinent the issue is still today.  This is Sydney poitier at his best and sadly Spencer Tracy's last film as he died two weeks after filming.

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