Wednesday, October 29, 2014

V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta (2006) is a movie staring Hugo Weaging and Natalie Portman.  It is about a near future totalitarian Great Britain that is ruthless and oppressive to it's people.  Hugo Weaving stars as "V" who is attempting to overthrow the government under the symbolic Guy Fawkes motif*.  Natalie Portman is a young and average person working in the TV business on a show that is hosted by a character staring Stephen Fry. It is a brooding but well done movie and has a surreal tone underlying the whole movie where the allegories between the fiction and reality can be seen throughout.  The acting is great and Natalie Portman does a great job in a not too familiar role.  The movie has developed a following and the mask used for the character V is familiar to many and shows up from time to time as a symbol of the common man against the oppressor.

 *Guy Fawkes, for those of you who do not know, attempted to overthrow the British government centuries ago and was caught before they could successfully blow up Parliament.  This is of particular interest to me as my first school was a British school in what is now Bangladesh.  My first holiday of memory, other than Christmas, was Guy Fawkes Day where we burned the Guy in effigy and shot off all kinds of fireworks.

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