Monday, October 27, 2014


Ladyhawke (1985) is a movie about two lovers separated by a curse, he a wolf by night and her a hawk by day; forever together but always apart.  The movie stars Rutger Hauer as Etienne, the knight/wolf and Michelle Pfeiffer as Isabeau, the damsel/hawk.  There is an underlying web of love throughout the movie. the love between characters is not solely delegated to the two lovers in the story but between each character and the others that find themselves part of the tragic tale before them.  It is portrayed in a heartfelt manner and helps to endear each protagonist to the viewer.  There is a subtle humor brought into the tale from time to time to assuage to some degree the painful tragedy between Isabeau and Etienne.  The movie relies mostly on dialogue and the telling of the story with little in the arena of time wasting fight/action scenes.  The movie is entertaining, engaging and does not disappoint.

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