Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Starbuck and Delivery Man

Starbuck is a French movie which starts out with a man who is informed that through his sperm donations years ago he has 522 biological children and a large group of those children want to find him.  His ineptness at the family business and a faltering personal life are impacted by this news.

 This movie is a delightful movie that is lighthearted and touching.  If you are looking for a movie that is not heavy and will bring a smile then this one is for you.

Deliverman is a remake of the French movie staring Vince Vaughn.  I was hesitant to watch this as I am not a fan of remake of French films.  However, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie.  One reason is that the film is a duplicate of the original almost scene by scene.  Even the names of the characters are mostly the same.  My more muted reaction to Deliveryman may be a result of having seen Starbuck first.

Of the two movies though, Starbuck edges out Deliveryman as the better film.

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