Saturday, June 14, 2014

John Carter

John Carter is a science fiction adventure film based on the John Carter of Mars series of books written by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

My jaw dropped the first time I saw the upcoming previews  a year in advance.  My first "grown up" book that my father gave me was A Fighting Man of Mars which was the seventh book in the series.  I enjoyed the books and they remain special to me for the time and circumstances of my first reading.  I still remember the time and place where my father gave me the book and his comment that he had read them as a young man as well.

The movie was well done with a good mix of dialog and acting.  The sets were amazing and the special effects brought the characters to life.  The movie was faithful to the world and stories that Burroughs depicted.  I saw the movie with my daughter a week following watching the Hunger Games.  I thanked her for agreeing to see the movie with me as I really wanted to share the experience with someone.  She had never read the books, let alone seen them.  She said that she enjoyed the movie.

If you like action and adventure and don't mind a bit of science fiction thrown in then you should find this movie entertaining.

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