Friday, May 30, 2014


Derek is a Netflix original series filmed in Great Britain.  It stars Ricky Gervais as an orderly in a small nursing home in England.  I was hesitant to watch the show at first but gave it a shot.  I saw the first episode and was so taken that I watched the whole first season in one shot.  It was well acted and heartwarming.

The series finds you following the staff and to a degree the residence of the home.  The characters seem over the top at times but the overall fit works.  The older folks are quite convincing in the role of the residents.  I found myself laughing and at times brought to tears.  Ricky Gervais had fallen a bit for me with his obnoxious twitter posts but this show redeemed him for me.  He plays a very endearing role.


Oblivion is a science fiction movie that did not do as well at the box office as it was expected to.  It stars Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman as the leads.  There are Tom Cruise movies and movies staring Tom Cruise.  This is a movie staring Tom Cruise.  The story is tight and well thought out.

Each actors performance is solid and though Tom Cruise plays the lead he plays it well without overpowering the story.  I know people who have not seen the movie simply because Tom Cruise is in it but I think they would be surprised at this one.  The movie was quite entertaining and left me feeling quite positive at the end.

Man on Wire

Man on Wire is a British documentary based on the events leading up to the Frenchman Philippe Petit's amazing high-wire walk between the World Trade Center Twin Towers in 1974.  The movie tells the story with film footage of the events leading up to the walk as well as interviews of the key players that facilitated this feat.  The movie tells a greater story of obsession, determination, persistence and the ups and downs that can happen both leading up to a dream and upon attaining that dream.

I found myself mesmerized at the whole process and what it took to do such an amazing feat.  This movie won the Academy Award for best documentary for 2008.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Going Postal

Going Postal is a wonderful fantasy comedy adventure and the best adaptation of a Terry Pratchett book.  The story follows the adventures of Moist Von Lipwig as he survives a hanging to be given a choice of death or running the post office.  The adventure takes place in Discworld and includes characters such as vampires (on the wagon), golems, banshees, etc...

If you are not familiar with Terry Pratchett he is a fantasy writer that is quite humorous in his prose.  In various books, such as this one, he explores a need and the creation of a solution to that need, in this case the improvement of the post office.  The exceptional cast includes Richard Coyle, David Suchet, Andrew Sachs and the delightful Charles Dance.  This is quite an enjoyable movie in two parts

Wallander (English)

Wallander comes in two basic versions, the Swedish original series and the joint production of the BBC and the original production company in English.  The BBC series stars Kenneth Branagh.  Most of the actors are English but the filming is done in Sweden and they act as if they are Swedish and follow Swedish customs and traditions.  The episodes are very well done and the acting is exceptional.

Branagh plays a more emotional version of Kurt Wallander than what is found in the Swedish version but carries it quite well.  I found myself re-watching the series and still enjoying it all over again.  I am a big fan of international movies and TV shows that are well made and well acted and this is one of the best.


Sunshine is a science fiction thriller movie which follows the efforts of a second team of scientists sent to re-kindle the dying sun before mankind freezes to death.  Though the story is fantastical it is a science fiction movie that relies on acting and story more than special effects.  It has an all star cast including Cillian Murphy, Michelle Yeoh, Cliff Curtis and Mark Strong.

The movie is beautiful and the special effects make a fantastic background for excellent acting.  The soundtrack is haunting and accompanies the movie quite well.

Comes a Bright Day

Comes a Bright Day is another movie available on Netflix and Amazon but most likely not to be found many other places.  It is a British movie which is about a young man who finds himself holed up with the girl he has a crush on in the middle of a jewelry heist.  You find yourself pulling for all the characters, both the protagonists and the antagonists.  It is a movie along the lines of coming of age and coming into ones own place in the world. The movie relies heavily on acting and dialog which is quite good on both counts.


Moon is a movie written and directed by Duncan Jones, the son of David Bowie.  It stars Sam Rockwell and co-stars Kevin Spacey.  I first thought it would be a movie similar to 200: A Space Odyssey or more along the horror genre.  However, it is a very well acted film that explores the psychology of living alone 250,000 miles from home.

This film was shot on a low budget though you would not know by the quality of the sets.  The accompanying music works well to set the tone and mood of the movie. Sam Rockwell's acting is first class and he pulls off the role quite well.  If you are fan of Science Fiction, you will like the movie.  If you appreciate good acting, you will like Sam Rockwell's performance.  Kevin Spacey only agreed to do his part (voice only) only after reading the script and the film was made.  He agreed and did a great job as expected.

Plunkett & Macleane

Plunkett & Macleane is available from Netflix as a streaming movie only.  I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie.  A robin hood style story, mixed with a love interest played by Liv Tyler, goes a long way to entertain without much in terms of the typical sex or violence.

There are three main leads in the movie and several supporting actors that add richly to the story.  It is paced fast enough to not bore and gives scenes that show an imaginative vision of the time not normally seen in other films.

I was so pleased with both the movie and soundtrack that I purchased them. The movie is only available for a different region but I was able to convert it for myself.  This movie will not disappoint most viewers.