Thursday, January 9, 2014

Dean Spanley

Dean Spanley is a British/New Zealand film staring Jeremy Northam, Sam Neill and Peter O'Toole. The movie was filmed in 2008 but I had not heard of it until it showed up on my Netflix queue.

The movie focuses on the dialog and acting which is particularly rewarding when the scenes include Peter O'Toole.  The dialogue has some memorable lines which found me delving into Google to look them up again lest I forget.  The movie explores the relationship between a son and his father and life after death.  The father and son attend a lecture on reincarnation and meet the new clergyman for the community at that same meeting. The humor and drama play out as these characters begin to interact and further explore upon the topic of reincarnation.

I was particularly touched by the scenes with Peter O'Toole as I saw this one week after he passed away.  It was amazing to see his talent rise out of his declining frame and the sharpness in which he played his role.

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