Thursday, December 25, 2014


Interstellar (2014) is a movie directed by Christopher Nolen and starring Mathew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain.

I was able to watch this movie in the full IMAX exeprience at the Bob Bullock Museum and not the converted theaters that have good, though smaller screens.  I was greatly pleased with this movie.  It was clear that Nolan paid homage to Stanley Kubrick and the epic 2001: As Space Odyssey. This nod to Kubrick is found in music that is familiar and the detail given over to special effects. 

Too many movies these days rely on multiple conflicts on a myriad of levels or resort to heavy special effects to entertain the audience.  This is not the case with Interstellar.  The film has a solid story, great writing, acting and cinematography which is adorned but not overwhelmed by the special effects necessary to tell a story about space exploration.

I keep finding myself wanting to go back and watch it again only to remember that I saw it in the theater and it is not out on disc yet. Interstellar ranks very high on my list of favorite movies.

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